Asphalt Cycling Lab: about road cycling in Brno

Asphalt Cycling Lab: about road cycling in Brno

Brno and cycling simply go together! We found out what it looks like when you start a cycling community here from Tomáš Hliva and Štěpán Žampach from Asphalt Cycling Lab. In addition to the beginnings of the club, we talked about other activities of Asphalt - they have a small café that also serves as a clubhouse of the community, they sell their own merch, they started a membership and when you come to Brno, with a bit of luck they will get you a bike to borrow.

For Tomáš and Štěpán, the social dimension of cycling and the joy of riding are very important. They support Brno manufacturers and do not ride for nice statistics. We like such an approach. In the next episode, which after was recorded outside the studio, you will learn, how the boys got into cycling, what ties they have to track cycling and what they do when they don't ride a bike.
After a long time, we recorded a podcast episode outside the studio - in Brno.

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